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A Sentiment Analysis of the Televison Show Frasier

In A Sentimental Mood

Chip Oglesby 2018-05-02


To begin our analysis, we will import all of the subtitles for the television show Frasier. This includes 11 seasons and 264 episodes.

After importing the files usings the subtools package we will agument our data with information from

We are using the tidytext package to perform a sentiment analysis on the subtitles.

Let’s get started:

subtitles %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, text) %>%
  anti_join(stop_words) -> tidySubtitles

First we’ll unnest all of the words in our data frame and create tokens for each word using the code above.

Let’s look at the top ten words across all 11 seasons:

tidySubtitles %>%
  filter(!grepl('frasier|roz|daphne|martin|niles|dad|crane|dr', word)) %>%
  count(word, sort = TRUE) %>%
  top_n(10, n) %>%
word n
time 1721
yeah 1689
uh 1274
hey 1240
god 1055
love 918
night 854
people 767
gonna 762
call 745

After excluding some of the more common character names, this is our top ten list. We would expect words like time and call since Frasier’s job is a radio host.

I also suspect that “God” is commonly used by Frasier as one of his catch phrases “Oh My God!”

We’ll know for sure once we’ve analyzed the transcripts, but let’s take a peek:

text n
oh, my god 65
oh, dear god 44
oh, god 18
dear god 12
for god’s sake 7

Adding the Bing lexicon for sentiment analysis, we can then begin to get a picture of what some of the sentiment includes. Let’s take another look:

word sentiment n
love positive 918
nice positive 668
fine positive 504
excuse negative 440
bad negative 434
wrong negative 373
happy positive 361
hell negative 328
ready positive 304
afraid negative 279
fun positive 279

Now that we’ve labled words into a binary fashion, positive or negative we can take this data and create an algorithm that will help us plot this information for a time-series analysis.

To do that, I will create new variables called dateTimeIn and dateTimeOut.

We can do this by using dplyr to mutate the information we have.

subtitles %<>%
mutate(dateTimeIn = ymd_hms(paste0(originalAirDate, timecodeIn)),
       dateTimeOut = ymd_hms(paste0(originalAirDate, timecodeOut))

This will take our date, 1993-09-16 and our timecodeOut, 00:00:11.951 and give us 1993-09-16 00:00:11, which we can then use to plot our data for any episode and season.

In this graph, I’m using an algorithm that creates a minute difference between the first and last timestamp of each episode and then calcuates the polarity of words being spoken during each minute with sentiment = positive - negative word counts.

Now we have our first visualization at the sentiment of words during each minute of the show.

While the individual sentiment analysis of a word is interesting, what would be more interesting is the analysis of each sentence overall.

To help with this, we’ll use the sentimentr package on Github.

Now we can use the code below to get the over all average sentiment of each sentence which will give us a better calculation for sentiment than just single words.

subtitles %>%
  filter(season == 1) %>%
  mutate(sentences = get_sentences(text)) %$%
  sentiment_by(sentences, list(season, episode)) %>%
season episode word_count sd ave_sentiment
1 1 2641 0.2287571 0.0800368
1 2 2865 0.2669024 0.1006411
1 3 3303 0.2757897 0.1439134
1 4 3325 0.2516266 0.0938251
1 5 3413 0.2083973 0.1313697
1 6 2428 0.2589560 0.1046161
1 7 2474 0.2378644 0.0984380
1 8 2535 0.2793574 0.1045188
1 9 2584 0.2901932 0.0565543
1 10 2264 0.2871554 0.1395152
1 11 2323 0.2563188 0.0648546
1 12 2379 0.2799138 0.1633886
1 13 2495 0.2807880 0.1651235
1 14 2298 0.2208333 0.1052322
1 15 2584 0.2901932 0.0565543
1 16 2264 0.2871554 0.1395152
1 17 2401 0.2736018 0.1394788
1 18 2379 0.2799138 0.1633886
1 19 2656 0.2630231 0.0768660
1 20 2616 0.2441385 0.1279380
1 21 2586 0.2469800 0.1052640
1 22 2508 0.2496631 0.1098577
1 23 2694 0.2813022 0.1024440
1 24 2724 0.2433418 0.1175034

When we break it out by minute, we can graph the average sentiment per minute:

Term Frequency

Now let’s look at the term frequency inverse document frequency or TF-IDF of the words in our analysis. TF-IDF is the frequency for how rarely a word is used and measures how important a word is in a corpus.

tidySubtitles %>% 
  count(season, word, sort = TRUE) %>%
  group_by(season) %>% 
  mutate(total = sum(n),
         nTotal = n/total) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  top_n(10, n) %>% 
season word n total nTotal
6 niles 419 21179 0.0197837
2 l’m 414 19063 0.0217175
8 niles 399 21577 0.0184919
8 frasier 389 21577 0.0180285
9 frasier 354 22159 0.0159755
7 uh 351 21163 0.0165856
7 frasier 346 21163 0.0163493
10 niles 333 20713 0.0160769
11 niles 322 20959 0.0153633
7 niles 321 21163 0.0151680

From the chart we can see that the data is highly right skewed with more common words. Many of the words occur frequently and some rarely occur.

What could some of those words be?

In our next analysis, we’ll be digging into the transcripts to get a better idea of who’s saying what and more exciting work!

I’d like to thank Pachá for sharing their code that allowed me to create the charts for the TF-IDF work.