Today was a little bit of a better day. It felt good outside, the air was crisp, but not too cool. A call from my sister told me that the air was cooling off in Montreat quite a bit. There was a little excitment around the office this afternoon, with the normal hustle and bustle of a newspaper.
I love to sit at night and delve into the work of the other shooters at the paper. Each shooter here has a natural given talent for some aspect of photography be it lighting, spot news, features, sports and everything else. The colors, expressions, “decisive moments” leave me in awe on a daily/weekly basis. Sometimes I just want to know how they got the shot.
Here’s a quite moment from the fair the other day. There was a little old lady at the Oval Offfice display where you can have your picture taken and she was waiting for her son to fetch her wheelchair while I stood in front of her. Almost on cue, she raised her hand in almost magical state as if she could read my mind and I snapped two shots off of her.